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From Passion to Profit: Turn Your Love for Supporting Others into a Coaching Career

Dec 13, 2023

Do you have a gift for supporting people to overcome challenges in their lives, grow, and become the best versions of themselves? Have you been wondering how you could move this passion from just a thought into becoming a fulfilling career?

At Empower World, we believe that the heart of coaching lies in empowering others to unlock their full potential and lead lives aligned with their values, aspirations, and personal passions – what matters most to them. Turning your love for supporting...

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Creating Healthy Boundaries

Nov 28, 2023

As our lives are constantly filled with distractions, time remains a precious commodity and personal boundaries become an essential necessity for the sake of our well-being, mental health and personal value.

Why Is Setting Boundaries So Important? 
Imagine having a transparent shield that protects your time, energy, and mental health - that’s exactly what setting boundaries do, they act like your own unique internal compass that continually guides you towards a more balanced and...

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5 Strategies to Manage Emotions and Build Resilience in Times of High Stress

Nov 13, 2023

All around the world, we are being impacted by situations that are out of the direct control of many people: wars, the escalating cost of living, housing shortages, climate change, discrimination and so much more.

It’s increasingly difficult to avoid the constant reminder of highly stressful situations around the world and in our own ‘backyard.’ It can sometimes feel like the ground beneath us is constantly shifting.

Below are some ways to support ourselves and each other in...

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Choosing a Coaching Supervisor to Support Your Personal Development

Nov 03, 2023

Seeking coaching supervision (or 'super-vision') is an important step in your professional development as a coach. And finding a supervisor that is suitable for you is also an important part of the process.

A Coaching supervisor partners with the coach (also known as the supervisee) to support them with their practice and who they are being as a coach by deep listening, asking questions and reflecting back what they are noticing in the system the coach is operating within - intuitively,...

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'You Can’t Make a Horse Drink the Water'… Or a Client Get Coached

Oct 20, 2023

There is a wonderful saying: ‘You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.’ As a coach, we can sometimes be approached by or matched with clients who have been asked to be coached and they are not ready for change. The coaching wasn’t their idea or choice. Instead, they have been asked or perhaps told to work with a coach.

When this happens, some coaches take on the responsibility or feel the pressure to lead their clients 'to the water' to support them to...

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The Transformative Power of Deep, Embodied Presence in Coaching (and in our everyday life)

Oct 09, 2023

Coaching is a transformative and dynamic process that is actually felt and experienced in ways that are unique for everyone who understands there has been a profound shift in their life. Coaching empowers individuals to unlock their inner truth and highest potential, and the foundation of the coaching process is the power of presence.

Deep presence is the ability of a coach to be engaged and attuned with themselves and their client paying attention to words, energy, the soma, all of the...

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Why Leadership and Coaching Skills are Inextricably Linked (Part 3)

Sep 18, 2023

In a recent podcast: Why Leadership and Coaching Skills are Inextricably Linked, we spoke with Katie Mapondera, Entrepreneur, Executive and Team Coach, who spoke about leadership and why it aligns with the resonant leadership style which uses coaching skills to bring out the best in their team. This newsletter is part 3 of a series of 3 shared over the last 6 weeks. If you haven’t read Part 1 or 2, follow these links:…..

Why Leadership and Coaching Skills are Inextricably...

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Why Leadership and Coaching Skills are Inextricably Linked (Part 2)

Sep 04, 2023

In a recent podcast: Why Leadership and Coaching Skills are Inextricably Linked, we spoke with Katie Mapondera, Entrepreneur, Executive and Team Coach, who shared very interesting perspectives on leadership and how it coincides very strongly with coaching and the resonant leader who uses coaching skills as a way of bringing out the best in their team.

This Newsletter is part 2 of a series of 3 to be shared over the next 6 weeks. If you haven’t read Part 1, click here!

At Empower...

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Why Leadership and Coaching Skills are Inextricably Linked (Part 1)

Aug 21, 2023

In our recent podcast: Why Leadership and Coaching Skills are Inextricably Linked, we spoke with Katie Mapondera, Entrepreneur, Executive and Team Coach, who shared powerful perspectives on leadership and how it aligns so beautifully with coaching skills based on her own experiences and learning path. In fact, Katie shared so many rich perspectives, this Newsletter is part 1 of a series of 3 newsletters to be shared over the next 6 weeks.

At Empower World, we believe authentic,...

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Bringing Planet Earth Into Your Coaching Conversations

Aug 04, 2023

You might be a coach or a leader who cares deeply about the planet and its future, and you may be wondering how you can support adaptation and building resilience in the face of climate change.

Incorporating the Earth into your coaching conversations as a stakeholder or partner when it's appropriate, can be a powerful way to bring about a sense of environmental consciousness and responsibility for the individuals, organisations, and perhaps the environment you partner with.

As coaches, we can...

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