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Imperfection is Perfection

Dec 21, 2016

Do you have incredibly high standards for yourself and do they stop you from creating the life, work and relationships you truly want?

Do you find yourself feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or afraid of the pressure you put on yourself?

Do you find yourself constantly preparing, planning and reworking projects believing what you offer is never good enough?

At Empower World, we believe perfectionism can stop wonderful things happening in our professional and personal lives. It is with this...

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Moving from Shame to Worthiness

Dec 05, 2016

Do you sometimes find yourself speaking about who you are fundamentally in a negative demeaning way? Or do you find your clients talking about themselves in an unresourceful and uncaring way? And when you hear this negative self speak, do you recognise that you and/or your clients put up shields to protect yourself or themselves and respond by either fighting, fleeing or freezing?

The emotion of shame is a human experience. Meaning it is a feeling of not being good enough, not being worthy...

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Using our intuition powerfully and intuitively!

Nov 23, 2016

Would you like to use your intuition in your coaching practice, but not sure how? Would you like to support your clients to tap into their own internal voice and pay attention to the myriad of possibilities open to them to widen their perspective?

If so, you are on the way to supporting your client even more effectively. The great thing is – we all have intuition, and like achieving a strong body, we have to exercise our intuition to understand how to listen to it, just like we have to...

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Creating resilience in changing times

Nov 04, 2016

Why are some people able to embrace the challenges of life, while others choose to get lost in the emotions of anger frustration, blame and resentment?

Resilience is described by the American Psychology Association as the ‘process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma tragedy, threats, or even significant sources of stress — such as family and relationship problems, serious health challenges, or workplace and financial stressors.’

Those people who fail to adopt...

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Supporting Our Clients at the Five Levels of the Human Experience

Oct 31, 2016

Are you supporting your clients to make deep transformational change? Do you want to be in a mindful place enabling you to support them to the best of your ability? Do you want to quickly build rapport and create partnerships with a deep level of trust and connection?

Coaches who support clients to create profound sustainable change will work with the ‘whole’ person, or as we say, at the five levels of human experience: the physical, mental, emotional, intuitive and spiritual....

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Being present in your life

Oct 12, 2016

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed and stressed out supporting others in your coaching practice? Do you notice your clients also have difficulty being present in their own lives? Would you like to instill a practice of paying attention to what your mind body and soul is telling you?

At Empower World in all of our training, facilitation and coaching programs we introduce and practice the principles of mindfulness: being present and focusing on what is happening right now both externally and...

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What would it be like to live a brave life?

Sep 22, 2016

Would you love to make changes in your life or career that you believe would lead to more happiness? Do you have a dream that you would love to make a reality? Would you like to make choices that are aligned with what matters most to you?

At Empower World, through our leadership training and professional coaching, we work with so many courageous men and women who find their own courage and say “enough is enough” and choose to stand up, step out of their comfort zone and take...

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What can attending a professional coach and leadership training do for you?

Sep 09, 2016

Are you interested in your own personal development? Do you spend a lot of time reading books and watching or listening to self development inspirational people ? Do you find that you are the one that helps and motivates friends and family and they always come to you for advice?

At Empower World, we have the honour of working with hundreds of men and women just like you who want to delve deeper into understanding themselves and others. And although there are many ways to develop oneself...

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Want to inspire and empower people but don’t know how?

Sep 01, 2016

Many people feel the desire or need to support others but either don’t know how to do it, or they spend a lot of time and energy supporting others to the detriment of themselves, or they feel such a huge responsibility they shy away from giving any kind of support at all.

At Empower World, through our own experience and from supporting the hundreds of people we have coached and trained, we understand the frustrations that can come with not having the skills and tools to support...

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Embracing fear to find our power and courage

Aug 25, 2016

Have you or your clients been paralyzed by fear? Have you felt the effects of living in fear yourself or observed the impact on those you love and the people you work with? Do you notice the voice of fear whispering in your ear or feel the emotions fear brings up inside your body?

As coaches it is part of our job to get to the heart of fear, to support ourselves and others to uncover the message behind it. If we choose to go head to head with our fears, embrace them and peel back the layers...

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