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Professional Coaching Success Built on Foundation of Strong Ethics

May 18, 2023

Professional coaching supports the transformation of lives. And professional coaching is upheld and based upon a solid foundation of ethical standards which provides the creation of a place of non-judgement, deep trust, confidentiality and connection.

This foundation built on ethics supports creating a psychologically safe place to have courageous, honest, transparent and vulnerable conversations to support the conditions for powerful change: mind, emotions, behaviours and experiences.

By adhering to ethical principles, coaches can ensure their professionalism, competence and high standards of coaching, which can enhance their credibility and reputation in the coaching industry. This can lead to more opportunities, referrals and increased personal fulfilment for both coaches and clients.

Coaching ethics are principles and guidelines governing the behaviour and actions of coaches in their interactions with clients. They are designed to support coaches to provide a high-quality service aligned with their client needs, desires and expectations.

Ethics protect the coach and client by establishing clear boundaries and expectations around confidentiality, conflicts of interest, professional conduct, and importantly, support of the client to ensure coaching brings out the best for them.

By following ethical guidelines, coaches can avoid potential legal and ethical dilemmas which may arise in the coaching relationship. It demonstrates professionalism and commitment to the coaching industry and ensures coaches behave responsibly in all their interactions with clients and other professionals. Ethics are the foundation of change and the relationship between the coach and client to support transformation.

Seeds planted in unprepared soil will potentially not flourish as well as they could... but seeds planted in a foundation of nurtured and prepared soil of nutrients will provide the best opportunity to thrive.

When deciding upon a coach to partner with, by ensuring they belong to a renown professional coaching body such as the ICF (International Coaching Federation) or EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) - which have detailed ethical principles and requirements of their members - you work with a coach whose behaviours are required to follow a high standard of professionalism.

Should an ethical dilemma arise in a coaching partnership, there are robust frameworks and assistance to move through the dilemmas and find an appropriate way forward.

Ethical decision-making frameworks and support from the profession itself - through supervision, a professional body to draw support from, a large network of experienced peers, etc - means being able to:

  • identify potential ethical dilemmas
  • reflect upon and implement suitable ways forward
  • learn from dilemmas that arise and
  • put those learnings into place, such as creating new guidelines of behaviour.

Strong ethical work practices which are transparent for both coaches and clients means that the profession is supported as much as possible to have powerful and life-changing conversations - where the client can share their deepest concerns and also dream big in alignment with who they really are at a mind, heart and soul level.

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