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Living Authentically as an Influencer and Coach

Dec 02, 2024

People who learn the skills of coaching realise and recognise the skills of coaching and ways of being and doing are an incredibly empowering way to support self and others: the people they love, the people they work with, the people who seek their support and those who don't know they could benefit hugely from coaching.

However, for new and seasoned coaches alike, there’s often a question: 'How I can support or influence or inspire people to bring out their best selves and tap into their inner wisdom by utilising the power of coaching?' 

Tension may arise from the desire to introduce coaching in a way that educates without leading, pressuring or manipulating.

The Dichotomy Coaches Face

On one hand, coaches are driven to introduce people to the incredible value of coaching. On the other hand, they know that their role is not to persuade but to allow clients or teams to make choices for themselves. 

Balancing this dynamic for the coach requires clarity and intentionality, as well as groundedness in their authenticity and integrity.

The Role of Authentic Influence

By showing up as our true selves as leaders - living and leading authentically - we naturally attract clients and people who resonate with our values and approach. 

Authentic leadership isn’t just about what we say or do; it’s about embodying the principles of honesty, courage, and vulnerability.

When our values and purpose are aligned with our actions, we create a powerful ripple effect. This alignment builds trust, enhances our credibility and inspires transformation in your clients and community.

On the other hand, a lack of alignment can lead to incongruence within ourselves. This can cause discomfort and lead to mistrust from others.

Alex Swallow, an inspiring influencer and professional coach, whose life and work centre on authenticity, shares that living his truth impacts not only how he shows up every day, but also how he creates meaningful change in his world. This then enables him to support his clients navigate their world and create their desired changes.

Alex explains: “Influencing is not about manipulation or self-promotion. Instead, it’s about authenticity, building trust, and creating meaningful connections."

His philosophy is that authentic influence begins within. He says that when we align our values, actions, and purpose, we not only strengthen our personal foundation but also inspire others to do the same.

Five Pillars of Authentic Influence and Leadership

Below we have identified five core pillars of authentic leadership and influence:

1. Listening Deeply to Others

True influence begins with understanding. By deeply listening to the needs, desires and concerns of others, we create space for genuine connection.

2. Building Confidence in Self and Others

Confidence is contagious. When we believe in our abilities and reflect this belief in others, we assist people to tap into their strengths and capabilities.

3. Developing Leadership Behaviours

Leadership isn’t about authority: it’s about modelling behaviours that inspire others to rise to their best selves. ‘Leadership is influence,' according to leadership expert John Maxwell and when we are a role model to others, we have the ability to positively influence others.

4. Aligning Values with Actions

Integrity means ensuring our daily actions are consistent with our core, most important values which influence our everyday decision making. Misalignment can lead to ineffective decisions which we may regret.

5. Leading with Purpose

Our purpose gives meaning to our influence. When we lead with a clear sense of our ‘why’, our actions become intentional and impactful, which can be pivotal for others in our circle of influence. It can lead to expanded awareness, curiosity, and potentially life-changing coaching conversations.

Practicing Authentic Influence and Leadership in Coaching

If you’re striving to embody authentic influence in your coaching or leadership practice, consider reflecting on these questions:

   What do your ideal clients or your team want you to hear and understand?

Knowing what truly matters to the people you serve can guide your coaching approach.

 ▪ What are your highest values, and how are you living them?

Aligning with your highest values - the states most important to you - helps you navigate your practice with clarity and integrity.

 ▪ What is your belief in yourself and your abilities?

Confidence in your skills is key to empowering others. Where are you excelling, and where can you grow further?

 ▪ How are you fostering growth in yourself and others?

Continuous development is essential for maintaining authenticity and effectiveness.

 ▪ What is your purpose?

A clear purpose fuels your passion and provides direction in your work. Understanding your purpose supports your focus and decision-making when your purpose is understood clearly and specifically.

▪ How are you communicating and sharing your influence with the world?

Whether through social media, public speaking, or one-on-one conversations, your message matters.

Aligning Authenticity and Action

As Alex Swallow reminds us, authenticity is not a trait—it’s a practice. By committing to live and lead authentically, we create coaching practices that inspire trust, foster transformation, and make a lasting impact.

Let’s support one another in this journey of authenticity, creating a ripple effect that extends beyond our individual practices and into the wider world.

Together, we can elevate coaching as a profession, inspiring more people to unlock their potential and live authentically with purpose.

Be empowered.

Jeanine and Marie Empower World Co-founders

Listen to the full podcast episode 216 'Being an Authentic Influencer' here. and explore how living authentically can deepen your influence and enrich your coaching journey.

If this episode resonates with you, please share it with fellow coaches or clients who are on their journey to authentic living.

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You can listen to The Empower World Coaching and Leadership Podcast on the following platforms.

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