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6 Simple Steps To Finding Your Niche

Feb 02, 2017

Are you wondering as a coach – or as anyone who wants to provide a service – how do I find my own niche or area of specialism? How do I stand out from the crowd? And how can I coach within the work and field I love?

Many marketing and coaching experts will advise coaches one of the best ways to attract clients and gain traction in their business – as well as be inspired and energised – is to focus on a niche they enjoy working in most, which aligns with their purpose and dreams.

A niche can be a type of person. For example, youth, retirees, expat women, entrepreneurs and so forth. Or an area of focus such as relationships, career, leadership, health etc. Or a place: a community, school, town, a country. A coach may realise they get much joy and great results if they focus on a particular type of person, in a specific field in a certain place.

Experts say, the more specific we can get about our target market, the greater the opportunity to be known for our area of expertise and experience. And the clearer we get about our niche, the more we are able to adjust our language, look and style to ensure we are speaking the same ‘language’ as our market when it comes to promoting our services, and ultimately working with our client in the most effective way we can.

Karen Kennaby, Co-Founder of Voice of Women International and Visionary Coach/Mentor, believes coaching in a niche allows us to speak directly to those people who can benefit from our expertise. She also believes we can remain passionate about other potential areas of interest while we start building a platform of success explaining her target market has evolved over time. She started focusing on young women who wanted to eat healthily which stemmed from being trained as a chef. And as she focused on the mindset of healthy eating – she became an intuitive food coach. Next she focused on people working in the public eye, evolving into coaching expat women.

Karen’s current niche is inspired because of her background in different cultures, cities and how to overcome challenges of change and thrive as an expat.

Authenticity is key says Karen. She explains being passionate and living as your authentic self are qualities which will attract individuals into your business, regardless of your niche area.

“People sense when you’re being authentic or forcing it. Whether you’re being textbook or static in your messaging. If you’re really you, then the light and energy shines through, and the law of attraction comes into play and you can trust yourself as you navigate through your areas of expertise as best as possible,” says Karen.

Below are 6 simple steps you can take to find your area of specialism:

  1. Coach as much as you can, and as you do, then you start to find out who you love to work with. It is trusting yourself and being flexible, which allows us to be powerful and open up to the opportunities that present themselves to us.
  2. Ask yourself insightful questions. What do you love doing, who do you love working with, who gives you energy – what are their specific characteristic traits? Get deep and discover who these people really are and where you can find them. Ask, who can I help make the most difference in their life?
  3. Understand your own life experiences. What challenges or issues have you overcome that has given you greater awareness and focus. For example, a health scare may have led you on a journey of self discovery about your self and how to heal you inwardly and outwardly. Clients can appreciate you understand their journey.
  4. Listen to your heart and your instinct. Don’t over analyze. Test and see what shows up when you decide to promote something to what you feel could be your niche.
  5. Have conversations with your potential target market and share your ideas. This is with the view of getting feedback to see if it sparks interest. The feedback can support you to decide upon or refine your niche.

We trust that as your put these different strategies into place, your niche will unfold and continue to evolve as you grow and expand and experience.

Did you love what you read? Then hear the full podcast and find out more about Karen on her website: http://www. karenkennaby.com/.

To know more about Finding Your Niche, listen to the full podcast on Empower World’s Coaching and Leadership Podcast Episode-83 on ‪iTunes or ‪on Stitcher.

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