Have you wondered how you can support or move someone to a place of experiencing fulfilment - supporting them to experience it often and consistently, as well as holding on to it during those times of challenge?
Being able to create awareness about what success is when we achieve it is the key to effective and powerful change. Understanding what fulfilment looks, sounds, feels - and even tastes and smells like - when it's achieved it vital to support someone to create and experience it. The most successful people in the world often recognise their achievements were imagined in their mind’s eye before they actually experienced it.
When we programme all our senses and the cells in our body, mind, and heart - to stretch our boundaries of thinking, experiencing, or feeling - we can be truly inspired to go for what we really want. However, many people are not aware of this critical step in creating momentum – and ultimately achieving success.
Many people, even coaches, fall into resistance to exploring all of the beauty fulfilment brings and don’t delve into what success really means because it is a new or strange way of asking questions. However, there is real science behind this exploration. Once we understand success from a much-expanded point of view or experience, we can assist others, or our clients to look at what they want and potentially formulate ways to get there in an easier way or steps. When we do this for ourselves or as a coach with clients or a leader with our team, we are essentially setting up their mind to get what is wanted.
Coaches often skate around the topic of supporting the clients to experience success, perhaps because they haven’t explored it for themselves using the full power of all of their senses. The longer we do this for ourselves or support clients or team members to stay in that experience, the more effective it is. This is because we are programming a part of our mind - the Reticular Activating System or the RAS - to seek the evidence in our 'world' to make what we have imagined (what we've seen, heard and felt) a reality.
The RAS is like the ‘Google’ search engine of our mind: what we input or ‘type’ into it then means it sifts through all the information it experiences (unconsciously and consciously) -deleting information outside of what has been input into the RAS as ‘search’ parameters - to bring up or bring attention to what has been programmed. So in other words, if we are feeding our mind/RAS with negative thoughts, risks, expectations things will go wrong: the RAS will focus on those risks, go wrongs etc to support the programming fed into it.
So if we feed the RAS with what is our version of success and fulfilment is - utilising every sense we experience our world with - we give ourselves the best opportunity to materialise it as our mind/RAS seeks evidence to experience what we choose to focus on. And as coaches and leaders, we can support our clients to do the same: identify the opportunities and experiences which will create their version of success.
When we allow ourselves and the people we work with to step into and identify our own or their version of what is deeply and authentically desired, the challenges of the past or the challenges that pop up in the future can disintegrate or alter significantly in the discovery and stepping into success and fulfilment.
In addition, our minds don’t recognise the difference between imagination and reality. Therefore, you can create success by imagining it and choosing to live your goals in your mind first and foremost – already successful. And you can do the same for your client. Follow this by experimenting and allow the best version of yourself to emerge as you see, hear, feel, taste and smell your personal success. The more in-depth, personal work will enable you and your client to step into your power when you fully immerse in the experience.
We invite you to imagine what success and fulfilment is for you to support your experience. In your mind’s eye, when it is when you want your goal to be achieved, what will success be for you: what will you see? Where are you? Who are you with – if anyone? What are you doing and what are you creating?
And when you are experiencing what you truly want: what will you be hearing? What will you say to yourself and what will others say to you? What else will you be hearing?
And what will you feel when you have created the experience you want? How does that feel in your body? What are the emotions and energy you are noticing?
And when you are seeing, hearing and feeling that success, ask yourself what does that ultimately give you? What opportunities are opening up for you? What does this give others who are important to you? And what is the impact of stepping into that purpose or legacy? What is the gift you are leaving for yourself and those around you?
Upon that discovery, continue to explore who you want to be, what you want to do and what you want to experience every moment, day, week, month, year and so forth. You may find your definition changes or alters at times. Do the deep work yourself so you can then support others to do this profound work as well.
Be empowered.
To learn more, listen to the Empower World Coaching and Leadership Podcast, Episode 111 here.
Episode-111 can be found here:
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