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The Power of a Coaching Approach to Leadership

Mar 18, 2024

In this dynamic, rapidly changing, disruptive landscape within organisations, the role of a manager and leader - who adopts a coaching approach has become increasingly crucial. Daniel Goleman - a leading researcher in relation to leadership and emotional intelligence - shares that the resonant style of leadership, adopted by effective leaders, is key to supporting and empowering their teams.

“If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.” Daniel Goleman

The resonant leadership style incorporates a coaching and communication approach to supporting individuals and teams.

Imagine a workplace where leaders not only guide their teams, they also inspire and empower them to reach their full potential by tapping into their innate and hidden wisdom. Hidden due to a variety of reasons: unconscious beliefs, lack of confidence, outside of comfort zone ways of thinking and being and more.

Supporting people to unlock their potential is the essence of a leader who adopts a coaching approach regularly as a way to develop team members and build capacity. By adopting a coaching mindset, leaders foster a culture of continuous learning, collaboration and growth.
The path to becoming a coach-like leader comes with both benefits and challenges as outlined below.

1. Empowered Teams
Coaching encourages employees to take ownership of their work and development. By empowering them to find their own solutions and set their own goals, leaders foster a sense of autonomy, accountability and ownership within the team.

2. Enhanced Communication
Coaching emphasises active listening and open-ended questioning, fostering better communication between leaders and team members and opening up new ideas and ways forward. This type of communication leads to clearer expectations, improved understanding, more perspectives and stronger relationships.

3. Improved Performance
Through coaching, leaders can identify strengths and areas for improvement in their team members. By providing targeted feedback, support, and guidance, leaders help individuals unlock their full potential and achieve higher levels of performance.

4. Leadership Development
Adopting a coach approach encourages leaders to develop essential coaching skills, such as empathy, emotional intelligence, and adaptability. This not only improves their effectiveness as leaders but also enhances their ability to support the growth and development of their team members.

5. Positive Culture
A coaching culture promotes trust, respect, and collaboration within the organisation. When leaders demonstrate a commitment to coaching, it signals to employees that their growth and development are valued, leading to increased engagement and satisfaction.

6. Retention and Engagement
Employees who receive regular coaching feel supported, valued, and invested in their personal and professional development. This can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and increased employee engagement.

1. Time Constraints
Coaching requires dedicated time and effort from both leaders and team members. Leaders may struggle to balance coaching activities with their other responsibilities, leading to potential time constraints and competing priorities.

2. Resistance to Change
Some leaders may resist adopting a coach approach due to ingrained leadership styles or organisational cultures that prioritise directive leadership. Overcoming resistance to change and promoting a coaching mindset may require strong leadership support and cultural transformation efforts.

3. Performance Measurement
Measuring the impact of coaching on individual and organisational performance can be challenging. Leaders may struggle to establish clear metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of coaching interventions, particularly in the absence of immediate tangible results.

4. Navigating Power Dynamics
In hierarchical organisations, leaders who adopt a coach approach may need to navigate complex power dynamics and maintain a balance between coaching and directive leadership styles. This requires sensitivity, self-awareness, and the ability to adapt to different situations and individual needs.

5. Confidentiality and Trust
Coaching often involves sensitive discussions about personal and professional challenges. Leaders must establish trust and confidentiality with their team members to create a safe space for open and honest dialogue. Building and maintaining trust can be challenging, particularly in environments where trust may be lacking.

Despite some challenges, the benefits of a coaching approach to leadership—such as empowered teams, enhanced communication, improved performance, and a positive organisational culture— can far outweigh the obstacles. With commitment, support, and ongoing development, leaders can successfully integrate coaching into their leadership style and drive meaningful long-term sustainable change within their teams and organisations.

As organisations navigate complex challenges and embrace digital transformation, the need for leaders equipped with coaching skills has never been more pressing. Brave leaders who are willing to embrace a coach approach are the ones who can positively impact their teams, their organisation and the wider world.

With empowerment and gratitude,
Jeanine and Marie Empower World Co-founders

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