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The Power of 'Holding Space' For Our Client... And How

Jul 21, 2023

In coaching, the term "holding space" refers to the creation of a supportive and non-judgmental environment for clients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

This powerful space involves being fully present, attentive, and empathetic, allowing clients to express themselves openly and honestly, trusting they are with someone who provides them with an opportunity to be authentic, vulnerable and brave to share things that perhaps they have never explored or expressed before.

In the place of exploration, clients can go on a journey deep within themselves to identify new thoughts, ideas, perspectives, and importantly, new ways of being and experiencing in their world.

To hold space masterfully in coaching, consider the following:

  1. Cultivate presence by being fully present with your client, giving them your complete attention using your own heart, mind and body, listening deeply and empathetically, focusing on what they are saying, not saying and how they are saying or not saying what is important to them.
  2. Create a safe and non-judgmental environment by assuring your client you are there to support them unconditionally. Allow them to express themselves honestly, without fear of criticism or judgment respecting their confidentiality and privacy.
  3. Practice active listening by engaging, clarifying and reflecting back what your client shares with you using their words and nonverbal body language and energy. This demonstrates you understand as well as value their perspective. It also supports your client to gain clarity and insight into their own thoughts and feelings as you mirror back what you are hearing and noticing.
  4. Validate emotions and experiences by acknowledging and validating your client's emotions and experiences. Let them know they are courageous to share their feelings and emotions and whatever shows up is natural and normal. In this way, we can support clients to be and feel validated.
  5. Maintain neutrality by remaining unbiased and refrain from imposing your own beliefs, values, or judgments onto your client. Instead, support them to explore their own perspectives, beliefs and options. Our role is to stretch our client's thinking and experiences by asking questions, listening deeply and not interfering as they process the questions and new awareness arising.
  6. Allow silence and pauses by giving your clients as much time as they need to reflect or process their thoughts. Embrace those periods of silence and pauses in the conversation as the client is doing the deeper work processing what is coming up for them. These moments can be powerful for self-reflection and insight. Refrain from rushing in to fill the silence with your thoughts or questions.
  7. Ask powerful questions which are thought-provoking questions to support deeper exploration and self-discovery. Through your questions, listen out for opportunities to support your clients to explore their beliefs, highest values, goals, and aspirations which can assist your client to uncover their own way forward.

Remember, holding space is an ongoing practice that requires self-awareness and reflection. By creating a psychologically safe and supportive environment, you can support your clients to feel empowered, understood, and capable of making powerful, positive changes in their lives.

Be empowered!

Jeanine and Marie

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