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Life Rewards Action!

Sep 09, 2019

Do you over-plan your life and dreams?
Do you worry about failing even before you begin?
Do you lose so much time waiting for the perfect opportunity that you don’t really get started?

The truth is that in order to achieve your dreams you must step out of your comfort zone and take action. In the end, it is results that matter. As Dr. Phil McGraw said, “Life rewards action. Until your knowledge, awareness, insights and understandings are translated into action, they are of no value”.

So, how do you go about getting started? Here are some things you can do:

  • Set an intention and take action. 

Too often people set an intention then wait for things to just happen. If you want to move forward, you need to follow up the intention with meaningful and purposeful action. Be brave and jump in. If you’re still feeling hesitant, and if taking bold action overwhelms you, start with small actions. Take one step, and then another, do this every day and before long you will begin to see how far you have moved towards your goals.

  • Use failure as a learning opportunity. 

When things don’t work out the way you intended, it’s an opportunity to rework and rethink what you are doing. Are your goals aligned with your purpose and your values? Do you need to tweak, alter or even dump what you are doing, and change course entirely? You only grow when you take action, even if that means falling over and 'scuffing your knees' on occasions. Celebrate your failures as much as your successes, because they are a huge part of the learning process.

  • Take risks. 

Your goals are usually just outside of our comfort zone and so being willing to take small risks, not knowing what the outcome will be, is all part of the course of moving towards success. This doesn’t mean risking everything, but a small, calculated risks can add up to take you much further ahead in your journey. And again, even if some of these risks don’t quite work out, you still have the chance to learn from your failures.

  • Identify what you will experience when you achieve your goals and the costs of staying the same.

By being aware of what you truly want to experience in the future: what you will see, hear and feel, and what that will give you and others when you experience your success. And how that future experience aligns with your purpose and values. And ask yourself what is it costing yourself now not to experience that desired future: right now and in the future. By undertaking this exercise, it can really support the decision to take action and make the difference YOU were born to make in the world.

At Empower World, we believe everyone has a gift. By waiting for the right moment to appear, or by over planning, you are staying small and hiding your unique gift. By taking action, and getting started, you are one step closer to your dreams and the life you want.

And you will also be transforming into the person you want to be and making the difference you were meant to be making.

Be empowered.

Listen to Jeanine and Marie talk about how they took action, learned from their failures, and went on to build the success that Empower World is today in the Empower World Coaching and Leadership Podcast, Episode 127 here

Episode-127 can be found here:
Direct Link: http://bit.ly/2LQwjB7
‪#stitcher: http://bit.ly/podcast-episode-127
#itunes: http://bit.ly/EW-Podcast-iTune

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