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Learning to Embrace Your Inner Critic and Let Your Light Shine

Dec 06, 2018
Have you ever had those negative thoughts pop up that stopped you in your tracks?
Have you held yourself back because you listened to that voice of fear or doubt?

We all have limiting beliefs and thoughts. The key is learning how to manage the way in which we listen to them. At Empower World, we believe everyone has the ability within us to discover the freedom and knowledge to cast away or reframe those inner critics by turning their volume down and letting go of the old perceptions.

Ren Wlasiuk, one of Empower World’s alumni is an example of this evolution of fears and doubts to transform her career many times through the years, and more recently as a life coach and writer. She epitomises choosing and being what you want to be. 

When Ren decided to become a certified coach, she was searching for something that would stretch her spiritually and emotionally. Through the process of coaching, she was able to find a person she was unaware of inside of herself. She said she found she could get in touch with the inner core of herself: her essence and the pinnacle of her emotional, spiritual, intellectual expansion. It was a powerful exploration of self.

The critical thing to be aware of is that limiting beliefs and saboteurs are your own making. And by recognising this and letting go of fear behind the limiting beliefs, we can unleash our inner self from being ‘small’ or limited.

Part of coaching is being aware of how we diminish ourselves and what that costs us in terms of our happiness and fulfillment. And it’s learning the tools or processes to manage the part of us trying to keep us safe by remaining in our unhealthy ‘comfort zone,’ continuing to carry out old habits which do not serve us

Those self-doubts will never completely vanish, but sometimes they need to be silenced or quieted. With new tools or ways of managing the inner critic or saboteur or judger, we gain the ability to question voices of doubt and turn them around into supportive and empowering beliefs.

Ren became an accredited coach after going through the programme, and with this new-found confidence, explored a niche to support people who she resonated with based on her own personal experience. This exploration and discovery inspired her to write where she discovered her uniqueness in her writing voice. 

Some of her perfectionism needed quieting during the creation process, and as she moved through the doubts, she felt more equipped to continue and pursue her writing passion. She also uncovered her ability to help and empower other people in her writing by sharing her own stories and insights.

Here are four components to embracing your inner critic and letting your light shine:

Question the Voice when doubts rise
While we all have that inner-gremlin warning us, we need to listen and decide how we will respond. As coaches and leaders, we are not immune to this, but we have the ability to deal with what comes up when we are ready. When you notice the doubt or fear, ask yourself if the story you are telling yourself is really true? 

Reclaim the Word “Enough”
Renew the positivity around being enough. Rather than thinking your actions don’t quite live up to standards; own you are enough and what you have to offer IS enough. That one action can be more compelling and powerful than we realise. 

Appreciate the Moment
When you can be grateful for each moment, that feeling will flow through you. That appreciation translates to joy and self-worth. With that increase in valuing self, others and our experiences, we notice more possibilities open for us to explore and welcome.

Accept vulnerability
Vulnerability will always be there but taking steps into the world in our unique way needs nothing more than that: a step. Whether it be a big or a small step is more thank ok. A commitment to step forward and go can release emotion and motion. 

When we learn to turn down the volume of the inner critic, accept and appreciate we are enough no matter what we are experiencing, we can choose to step into that light into power - and we can choose to step into that light and into the power.

Be empowered.
To learn more, listen to the Empower World Coaching and Leadership Podcast, Episode 113 here.

Episode-113 can be found here: 

Direct Linkhttp://bit.ly/2zZRKrQ

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