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Grow Your Coaching Practice With A Mindset Of Abundance!

Dec 22, 2019

Are you working towards and trusting what you desire will transpire, such as a thriving practice, a balanced lifestyle or a healthy income? Do you remain generally optimistic, even when you’re experiencing challenge when striving to achieve your goals? And do you have an abundance or a scarcity mindset in relation to your personal and professional lives?

An abundance mindset means you are generally optimistic - even in the most challenging of times. There's a belief you will 'land on your feet', be more than OK, and be at peace with your circumstances. In this frame of mind, you live in the present moment as much as possible, appreciating what you have and recognising the 'gold' or learning in every situation - no matter how difficult or easy circumstances are.

This approach provides energy and a sense of calm or fulfillment, or even excitement as possibilities continue to keep opening up.

A scarcity mindset means a belief there is not enough to go around for everyone, which can mean feeling fearful and stuck and perhaps threatened by the success of others. This can lead to possible thoughts of not good enough, and maybe not worthy of success. It can mean a narrow focus which limits the ability to identify other opportunities and options to move forward in an prosperous way.
This is why it’s important to cultivate an abundance mindset instead, which opens up the mind to notice new options, rather than limiting them. With an abundance mindset, you recognise there is enough for everyone – whether it is work, money, love, recognition, or success. There is a realisation there is no need to compete with others.
Some of the benefits of an abundant mindset are a feeling of:

  • being in control, rather than being at the mercy of chance or luck
  • energy and positivity; you are doing something you love
  • flexibility and adaptability; being able to see different perspectives, rather than being narrowly focused on what is not working

So how do you cultivate an abundance mindset, no matter where you are in your life! Below are some things you can do:

Get curious about your intentions and your motivations
Pay attention to your mindset in everything you do. Are you coming from a place of fear or a place of love? Look beneath your motivation, and examine what is driving you. If you notice you are operating from a mindset of scarcity, look at ways in which you can shift your perspective. For example, challenge your beliefs and re frame them. Notice your self-talk: is it holding you back or empowering you to move forward? And if it’s dis empowering language, identify what self-talk will support you with your goals and dreams.

Celebrate success – both your own and the success of others. 
When you’re operating from a mindset of scarcity, you often believe there are only two categories: winners and losers. But when you cultivate an abundance mindset, you can be happy when everyone succeeds. This is because you know there is enough for everyone, and every person has their own unique gift to offer the world, and celebrating success will only lead to and open up more success.
Be open to possibilities you may not have considered
When you adopt a mindset of abundance, you will notice there are opportunities all around you which you might not have considered before. By simply getting curious and asking questions, your focus widens and you might be surprised at what you find. Often it is all about how you approach the opportunities you do not see right away, which makes a difference. Ask yourself, what is available to me I haven't noticed yet, which will support my goals?
Be mindful of the people who give you advice or support. 
Sometimes, even the people with the best intentions might be operating from a place of fear or lack. They might tell us to slow down, to not be too ambitious too soon, to not charge quite so much. Recognise people are perhaps operating from their own scarcity mindset or limitations, which you do not have to agree with or share. 
Practice reciprocity. 
When you have an abundant mindset, you find it easy to give to the people around you: to the community, to the world at large. You understand your own Individual offering to the world is boundless and when the principle of reciprocity is activated, you find you also receive.

Practice gratitude for what you already have. 
When you recognise what you do have, and you are consciously grateful for it, you attract even more of it into your lives. As Tony Robbins said, “When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears”.
There is enough for all of us in this world, and there is a place for each of us to do the work we love to do, using our unique gifts. All we have to do is step into fully being who we truly are with a mindset of love, reciprocity and abundance.

Be empowered.

Listen to Jeanine and Marie discuss how they cultivated a mindset of abundance in their early years as coaches and beyond, and how this impacted their lives and their coaching practice in Empower World Coaching and Leadership Podcast, Episode 123 here

Episode-123 can be found here: 
Direct Link: http://bit.ly/2LTpAIh
#itunes: http://bit.ly/EW-Podcast-iTune

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