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Mirror Mirror... Creating New Personal Awareness

Jun 20, 2019
Have you ever noticed how your clients bring topics to coaching sessions which may be similar to what you are dealing with now or have dealt with in the past? 

Have you ever got curious about the reflections which come up between you and the person you are working with - really curious post session? To truly identify what it means for you in a way which expands your own awareness, learning, decisions, habits and ultimately your experiences?

Great coaches create powerful partnerships with the people who choose to work with them. The masterful coach gets very present with their client to support them with their opportunities for empowering change. This collaboration is not only a way for clients to grow; it is also a way to provide wonderful insights and learnings for the coach. And this can be an incredible win win win outcome for coach, coachee and all those who are in their 'circle of influence'.

This is the wonderful thing about coaching. Not only as coaches do we support others to uncover their blind spots, limiting beliefs, strengths and ways forward, we can also enable ourselves to grow as we attract clients with similar patterns and experiences as our own.

When we do our own internal work in many different ways and forms, including noticing and learning from the parallel experiences between our clients and ourselves, this supports us to be a more empowered human being. And in turn, a more powerful, compassionate and empathetic coach.

Mastering the models and frameworks of coaching, together with honing the core coaching skills, such as listening and questioning, can be a very effective way to invite others to grow. But it doesn't necessarily mean we become a great coach. 

Who we are, what we value, what beliefs and judgments we hold will most certainly have an impact on the way we coach and this also means the questions we have for our client.
 So the more we do to experience expansion of ourselves (greater awareness, skills, knowledge, habits and emotional resilience) the more powerful we can be in service of our clients.

Listening to the reflections taking place between ourselves and our client can be truly powerful. At Empower World, we believe as coaches we tend to attract people into our practice who experience pain we are also experiencing. So our clients and the challenges and opportunities they bring to the sessions are an incredible gift to us when we choose to notice the lessons we can learn from our clients for ourselves personally.

So the next time you recognise reflections between yourself and the people you coach, ask yourself:S
  • What is it that I'm noticing or haven't noticed yet that is similar or not to my experiences?
  • What am I meant to be learning here?
  • What is it that I want to do differently going forward or perhaps recognise, reinforce or ramp up even more?
  • What am I grateful for?
And if you are not noticing similarities, ask yourself what I might have missed as a possible 'blind spot' and learning opportunity. And if you recognise the potential blind spot, ask yourself the questions above.
Be empowered.
In Empower World's Coaching and Leadership Podcast Episode 119, ACC Ren Wlasiuk interviews MCC Marie Quigley about her thoughts, experiences, motivators and influences on her coaching practice.
Episode-119 can be found here: 
Direct Linkhttp://bit.ly/2SVGeFd

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