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Believing in Yourself and Following Where Your Passion Leads

Nov 29, 2018
Do you sometimes find it difficult to believe in yourself? 
Do you ever doubt that you have something to give in your world or your life? 
Have you ever felt unsure of which direction to go in life?

At Empower World, we believe in the premise we are all naturally creative, resourceful and whole, and our life experiences and values shape our paths through life in really beautiful and extraordinary ways if we allow them to unfold.

Sometimes it can be very challenging to believe in self. And sometimes it can be difficult to follow where our passion is leading us, especially when life takes us down unexpected paths such as starting a family, moving across the world, or other huge changes to our life’s flow. But it is in following our passions we can realize some of the greatest gifts and joy, not only for ourselves, but for others as well.

Let us show you what we mean

One of our coaching participants, as well as Empower World Associate, Michelle Arscott has not had a conventional career path. She began her professional life as a teacher, which evolved into mentoring teachers. A dear friend of hers suggested she should consider becoming a life coach because of her personality, and she took this suggestion to heart and this is how she eventually entered the world of coaching.

This was only the first of many twisting paths that life would take her down. At the time Michelle was transitioning to coaching she was pregnant, and for many that might have been a little intimidating to consider switching to careers, but Michelle embraced it and followed her intuition. Through her experiences as a mother and raising her son, she discovered the need for children’s life coaching and developed a programme on coaching children in relation to confidence at her son’s school. 

Then came another big swerve on her life path. Michelle and her family moved to a new country: into an entirely new place, a new culture and new people. This can often ‘throw’ people into a not so confident space, but Michelle took it in her stride. She sought out others who were experiencing similar situations and formed groups to support them with their similar challenges. 

From these shared experiences, Michelle developed more programmes for coaching and supporting women. She created groups called Sunshine in Your Pocket and the Self-Love Challenge where she helped others with her own life experiences as well as through asking powerful questions and setting positive challenges. They were successful because she was speaking from an authentic place: a place of heart and shared experience.

The beauty of Michelle’s story is that she has continued to follow what energised and excited her, even when life led her to different places and into different roles. Sometimes these changes were made deliberately and sometimes they took place for unexpected and unplanned reasons. She makes the most of her situations and challenges by listening to her intuition and getting clear about what she is passionate about. This has consequently developed her resilience skills and brought joy, support, and change not only to her but to a lot of other people as well.

Here are three keys to believing in yourself and following your passion as a coach:

Speak Authentically 
Share what is important to you and the passions that live in your heart and develop a coaching strategy or programme around that. What makes a great coach is someone who works authentically, transparently, openly and not afraid to be vulnerable in the work they do.

Stay Flexible
There is so much flexibility in coaching. You don’t have to limit yourself to a conventional face-to-face, one-on-one coaching practice if it doesn't fit with your life and what you love to do and experience. Like Michelle, you can break out of the box and go in a new direction that your life and passions are taking you on.

Keep Listening
Keep Listening: Keep listening to your internal clues – the positive emotions like joy and excitement which are the indicators of what we are truly passionate about. Focus on what creates those emotions for you and follow it, no matter where it may take you. Think about what excites you: Is it making a difference? Are you connecting with people? Are you growing and expanding?

Remember, life can be a thrilling adventure even when we are faced with challenges. We are on a continual journey, constantly evolving, and we are hard wired to expand, evolve, grow and learn!

So, take a deep breath, dig deep. Find your passion, step out and…Follow it!

May your passions lead you on a grand adventure and to greater heights!

Be empowered.

To learn more, listen to the Empower World Coaching and Leadership Podcast, Episode 112 here.

Episode-112 can be found here: 

Direct link: http://bit.ly/2Pci0JO 
#itunes: http://bit.ly/EW-Podcast-iTune
‪#stitcher: http://bit.ly/podcast-episode-112 

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