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Balance Between Structure and Flow In a Coaching Conversation

Aug 08, 2019
As a new coach - or an even more seasoned coach - are you focusing on adhering closely to the structure of the coaching conversation? And by doing this, do you find you lose spontaneity or opportunities required for a powerful coaching conversation? 

Or do you notice you are going 'off course' and perhaps not serving the client as powerfully as you could?

When we as coaches, or leaders who coach, focus on following the models we've been taught, we often lose out on being in the moment with our clients. While it is important to know the models and structure of a coaching conversation, it is most important to be present with the client: to hear what is being said or not said, accessing our intuition, and be led by and utilise what the client brings to the conversation. 

When we are actively present with our clients, we can use the structure simply as a framework so we can focus on the client to support them to understand their truth by asking thought-provoking questions. And this can lead to meaningful and transformational coaching conversations when the client creates new conscious awareness about themselves and their world.

There are some coaches who abandon structure and rules altogether. And they may potentially find it’s just a conversation where the client goes around in circles or into other areas perhaps not related to what the client has presented. This may mean the client doesn't get clarity about what is truly going on beneath the surface of their stories or what has brought them to the session.

Models and structure can support a life-changing coaching conversation when the coach is actively listening, responding with key feedback about what they are noticing and utilising their intuition as to what to ask next. When we use both structure and flow, we are engaging in what is not merely a conversation, but a conversation with a purpose and outcome.


Knowing structures and frameworks can be very helpful, and adhering to the core coaching competencies is key to effective outcomes. And when these are embedded into ‘our bones’, we can flex and flow with what clients bring into the conversation, supporting them to step 'out of the box' of their thinking and habits. As long as we are using coaching competencies, we are conducting a professional coaching conversation.

As coaches, we can get very creative with our client and support them to tap into their imagination. Along with the competencies, we might incorporate and combine structures or questions from different models as we believe appropriate, responding to what our client shares with us in the moment.

By practicing coaching presence, getting inquisitive about what comes up for our client using our intuition, we can support them to achieve the transformation they seek using a balance between structure and flow.

Be empowered.
Listen to Jeanine and Marie discuss how coaches can achieve a balance between structure and flow in Empower World Coaching and Leadership Podcast, Episode 125 here

Episode-125 can be found here: 
Direct Link: http://bit.ly/2MSRKDQ
‪#stitcher: http://bit.ly/podcast-episode-125

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