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What Has Vulnerability And Collaboration Got To Do With Climate Change?

Apr 05, 2023

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing humanity today. It's clear we need to take immediate and effective action to support all living systems.

There are many strategies which can be employed to slow down climate change, and two of the most powerful ways forward - noted by many involved in this type of work - is collaboration and vulnerability.

Collaboration is essential to creating positive climate change because it allows us to pool our resources, knowledge, passion and expertise. By working together, we can develop more effective solutions to the complex challenges of climate change, such as increasing renewable energy production, and adapting to the impacts of a changing climate.

Collaboration can take many forms: from partnerships between governments, businesses and NGOs to community initiatives that bring together individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives to create a new and better way forward.

And to truly create a difference in relation to climate change, we also need to be willing to be vulnerable. This means acknowledging we do not have all the answers, we may need to make difficult choices and sacrifices and we may need to change our choices, behaviors and lifestyles.

Vulnerability also means being willing to 'take off the armour' - the old stories we've listened to, told and believed - and to listen to and learn from others, even if their ideas challenge our assumptions or beliefs.

By combining collaboration and vulnerability, we can create a positive climate change grounded in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect.

This approach can help to break down barriers between different groups and foster a sense of shared responsibility for the health and well-being of our planet. It can also inspire new ideas and innovations which can assist us to address climate change more effectively and sustainably over the long term.

And this is where holding space for courageous and challenging conversations, coaching and facilitating groups and systems can support collaboration and allowing vulnerability to open up new ways of thinking and being.

Ultimately, creating positive climate change will require a collective effort from individuals, organisations and governments around the world. By embracing collaboration and vulnerability, we can support and create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

If you are part of a team and organisation and not sure how to create, initiate change or get momentum happening in relation to supporting climate change initiatives, and you would like to find out how, email [email protected]


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