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Reflective Practice: Who is the world calling you to be in 2021 and beyond?

Dec 31, 2020

As we end this year, a year like no other, we encourage you to give yourself the gift of reflection. And to kick start the process, we offer you some questions to support you to look back over the year, your practices, your client work who you have been during all of this.
We can get curious about the events happening in the world and look at our responses to these events and find out how this is a reflection of who we are being with our clients…. and so much more
We can use books, poetry and art to unlock our own creativity as we imagine our coaching partnerships and businesses and watch them evolve into what we truly want.
We can ask questions about our work and then sit in silence and allow our unconscious to answer the question.  We can use the sound of music to be a catalyst for evoking thoughts about our client relationships.
We can use journaling, walking, physical activities and being in nature to explore our work. We can create metaphors, use objects both living and inanimate as reflection starters for looking at what our client relationships look like.
There are many ways we can include reflection practice into our professional development. We can choose to partner with trained coach supervisors in either one to one or group sessions.
Choosing to have a practice of mindful reflection can positively impact our understanding of ourselves and our ability to be with difficulties life may offer. As professional coaches including the practice of reflection in our work with our clients offers the opportunity to uncover incredible jewels which can support us on our journey to masterful coaching.
It is easy to look back and be grateful for the times that bring joy and happiness.  It can be far more challenging to take time to reflect and gather our learnings when we are experiencing so many vulnerable and complex emotions.
What a year 2020 has been!  How do we begin to find purpose and meaning in a year which, on the surface, has brought so much uncertainly, chaos and anxiety to so many people around the globe?

  • How often do you find yourself outside of your comfort zone in your coaching work? What is the learning for you?
  • How do ‘hooked’  by your clients stories, emotion or issues?
  • Where do you get  stuck with your work?
  • What would be a metaphor for your client work and what does this metaphor mean to you?
  • What are the conditions that really help you to be in ‘flow’ and do your best work as a coach?
  • What is the most significant piece of client feedback you’ve received? How did this change your approach to coaching?
  • What has been the most challenging ethical issues you’ve experienced as a coach
  • When does your energy lessen in a coaching session?
  • When do you feel challenged in your work ?
  • What impact has your client feedback had on your work?
  • How has Corona virus impacted your professional work?
  • How have the events of 2020 influenced you?
  • Who has the world been calling you to be this year?

Reflective practice is an essential part of a coaches professional  development  benefiting coaches, and most importantly  the coaches clients, to have more empowering sessions and successful coaching outcomes. And perhaps 2020 has provided that opportunity for you as a coach and as an individual or family or a group or an organisation. And we encourage the practice of consistent reflection - to expand your conscious awareness and determine who you truly want to be as a coach and person and/or return to your true powerful nature and intentions.
With love and gratitude from the Empower World team – we wish you all the very best for 2021 – may it be filled with love, joy, fulfilment and living your dreams and the life you know you are meant and want to experience.

Be Empowered!

What are your reflections upon the year 2020 and your work as a coach? 

In Empower World's Coaching and Leadership Podcast Episode 156 Marie and Jeanine share how impactful not only formal but also informal reflection has been on their life and work. 

They share simple reflection practices to enhance  the coaching experience which in turn create deeper growth and learning for both the coach and the client. 

Episode-156 can be found here: 
Direct Link: https://bit.ly/3pxvbmk
‪#stitcher: http://bit.ly/st-podcast-episode-156
#spotify: http://bit.ly/sp-podcast-episode-156
#itunes: http://bit.ly/EW-Podcast-iTune 

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