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Overcoming Our Doubts And Inner Saboteur

Jan 26, 2020
No matter how successful you are in life there are always times when your inner doubts or the doubts of others stop you from taking action and moving towards your goals.  The inner saboteurs inside each of us will pop up and speak to us throughout our lives, and so when we listen to them, we begin to question ourselves, our accomplishments, skills and achievements.  Even the most powerful coach will have times where the small voice inside gains the upper hand, doubts creep in and there is some loss of confidence.

If you can identify with this, one of the keys to silencing your inner saboteurs is knowing your 'why': being really clear about who you are, what your values are, what your legacy is and what you are meant to be doing in this world. Clearly knowing your truth, which are the answers to these questions, can be the catalyst to propel you forward. Understanding your purpose - what you are meant to be doing in the world - will give you the courage to overcome fear and take action towards what you want to achieve and experience.

When you notice your inner saboteur, get curious about why it's popping up. For example, what does it fear most for you if you take action? What is the saboteur's positive intention for showing up in you and what does it want you to do differently to live your best life? Recognise the saboteur originally came to protect you from harm, so by practicing gratitude for it showing up will enable you to 'turn down' their fearful voice and 'turn up' the voice saying 'you're on the right track, believe in yourself'.

Putting yourself out there and in the 'arena', as renowned Dr. Brené Brown (author, researcher) says, and facing those slings and arrows being thrown at you, and not knowing if you'll succeed or not, is a vulnerable act. You cannot get to courage without vulnerability. The Collins English Dictionary defines courage as: 'the quality shown by someone who decides to do something difficult or dangerous, even though they may be afraid'.

So if you are clear about what you want and recognise fear is running your decisions and holding you back, you can 'grab your saboteur by the hand', reassure it (yourself) you are not going to die if you take a daring step forward outside of your comfort zone. In fact, you can create what your inner leader, or the wisest part of yourself is encouraging you to do: to make a powerful, positive difference in your life and the lives of others you want to serve.

Choosing to be courageous is brave work. Whenever you step into something new - there will be fear or insecurity as it’s unknown territory. Doing something new stretches you beyond what you are used to, and if you reframe the fear as excitement which comes with new action and courage, then you will be empowered.

Be the poppy that rises above the rest of the field and honour the potential within yourself to live with purpose and fulfillment.

Be empowered
Jeanine and Marie share their thoughts and tips on how to move into where you want to be in Empower World Coaching and Leadership Podcast, Episode 132 here

Episode-132 can be found here: 
Direct Link: http://bit.ly/32t711a
‪#stitcher: http://bit.ly/podcast-episode-132
#itunes: http://bit.ly/EW-Podcast-iTune

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