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Gratitude and Ramadan

Mar 31, 2023

As Founders of Empower World in the Middle East - more specifically Doha, Qatar - we've become very aware of the holy month of Ramadan, observed by millions of Muslims around the world.

We understand this is a very special time of fasting, prayer, and reflection, and sometimes travel for to holy places of worship, during which Muslims practice deepening their faith and becoming even more aware about themselves and others.

For practicing Muslims, Ramadan means fasting from dawn until sunset every day, refraining from food, drink, and other physical needs. This period of self-discipline and restraint supports the body and the soul, and fosters empathy and solidarity with those who are less fortunate.

In addition to fasting, Muslims are encouraged to engage in extra prayer and acts of charity. And in the evenings, Muslims gather to break their fast together and share food with their community and the larger community.

We've been fortunate enough to observe and be part of the Ramadan rituals ourselves while living in Doha. We remember these experiences with great fondness and much gratitude for the generosity provided by friends and their families to break the fast with them and enjoy delicious food, and most importantly, wonderful company at this very special and spiritual time of the year.

Doha, Qatar, the Middle East has a very special place in our hearts as we've learned so much about the connection, community, support within an amazing culture that is unique, yet similar in ways too. We are very grateful for the warm embrace and openness we've received in Qatar. We hope we can reciprocate the wonderful memories.

May the month ahead be filled with peace, connection and gratitude for all of your experiences and reflections which supports a life very well lived.

Ramadan Kareem!
Empower World Team

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